Great nation needs big dreams

“Great people talk about great ideas; average people talk about average ideas; small people talk about other people.” I don’t know where the quote comes from, but the person must have had politics in mind when he/she said it.

Every presidential candidate, Democrat or Republican, should always be armed with at least two or three ideas to convey their great ideas for making America better tomorrow than it is today when speaking to a crowd, the media or a stranger on the street. Voters have already expressed their displeasure with the direction of the country — we know from poll after poll they are displeased and see plenty in their government that isn’t going right.

Fear is a nice motivator, don’t get me wrong. It’s what keeps children from putting their hands on a hot oven or from running out into the street. Hopefully, fear of higher taxes will motivate a majority of voters in November 2008. But it’ll take more than fear for Republicans to win the White House. It’ll take great ideas. Great vision. Really big dreams.

President Reagan once said, “America is too great for small dreams.”

Note to the GOP field: Grassroots Republicans — conservatives and moderates alike (and I talk to both) — are hungry for a candidate with big dreams to match the greatness of our nation.

Tags Conservatism in the United States Dream Mind Person Career Politics Psychology Quotation Republican Party

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