The Administration

RIP, Tony Snow

Washington has lost a good man, a loyal ally, a worthy adversary, a true gentleman and more than a touch of class with the passing away of Tony Snow.

Tony Snow and I probably never supported the same candidate, and almost always took the opposite sides on matters of high policy and national politics. Yet my respect for him was always boundless and my sadness in learning of his passing is genuine and deep.

Tony Snow was a man of ideas and passions and commitment to what he believed, and a man of decency and civility in his personal and professional lives. Reporters and political professionals who dealt with him share an almost universal admiration for Tony Snow, whether they agreed with him or not.

Tony Snow will be missed, and those who knew and loved him might find some solace in the good will he generated, in whatever endeavors he chose to pursue. Condolences to his family and close friends, and farewell to a good man who will indeed be missed.