The Administration

The Official Budowsky Pardon Contest

Who will Bush pardon first? Enter the official Budowsky Pardon Contest.

After today’s Kafkaesque Alberto Gonzales testimony, here’s a question for The Hill’s Pundits Blog community; place your bets on the following:

Who will get the first full presidential pardon — Scooter, Alberto, whomever General Taguba believes is covering up the Abu Ghraib crimes, or another dark-horse candidate?

Whoever posts a comment with the correct answer, remind me when the pardon is issued
and I will buy you lunch at any restaurant in Washington. If you are all correct, and Bush
issues a mass pardon, I will rent a room at a posh restaurant and we will have a Pundits Blog conclave, on me.

Place your bets — daily double contest prize if one of our Republican pundits wins the contest!