The Administration

Alberto Gonzales Should Face Criminal Investigation and Prison Time if Found Guilty

Now we learn that when Congress considered the Patriot Act, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales testified that there was not one instance of abuse of rights, when he had been privately briefed about more than one instance of abuse of rights.

Testifying falsely is a federal crime, whether under oath or not. There is now probable cause to conclude that Alberto Gonzales  has testified falsely more than once.

There is a range of issues involving acts that could be in violation of law including testimony, cover-up of Abu Ghraib, eavesdropping without judicial approval and inappropriate firings that comprise a partial list.

Alberto Gonzales is innocent until proven guilty, but these matters should now be decided under the rule of law, based on commonly accepted standards of law, through the normal criminal investigative process, and if necessary a jury of his peers. If convicted any sentence should be meted out within the sentencing guidelines, including prison time if he is convicted of crimes that warrant incarceration under the law. 

Congress should immediately pursue normal procedures and call for a special prosecutor. Republicans should support this.

If Republicans oppose a special prosecutor, and continue their pattern of tolerance of perjury and lobbying for pardons, they can face the consequences at the polls and the Democratic Congress can escalate to other options.

Alberto Gonzales has already destroyed the upper tier of the Department of Justice and done grave damage to our efforts against terrorism. While endangering our national security, he has destroyed the credibility and integrity of the administration of justice in America and clearly taken numerous actions that warrant formal criminal investigation.

Congress should pursue all court cases in search of evidence for investigations by the legislative branch, if necessary beyond the presidential term of George Bush, to defeat the false claim that executive privilege can be invoked to escape liability for criminal conduct.

Congress should initiate the formal procedures under law that would lead to a formal criminal investigation by a special prosecutor of total integrity.

If congressional Republicans obstruct this, Democrats should escalate in every legal and legislative manner to ensure that the highest legal officer of the land is obligated to obey the laws of that land.