From the Chicago Tribune — Originally published Wednesday, Dec. 17

So much for trusting voters. Illinois Democrats want nothing to do with that now.

Amid the ugliness of the arrest last week of Gov. Rod Blagojevich, the political class in Illinois seemed to share one noble sentiment: The choice of a U.S. Senate successor to Barack Obama should be handed to voters. The choice should not be left to the governor, not in light of the charges that Blagojevich tried to sell the seat to the highest bidder.

… But then Democratic leaders had a revelation: They could lose that election!

… So Democratic leaders have backed away from holding a special election. The Illinois House buried the idea Monday and left Springfield until next month.

… So the U.S. Senate seat is in limbo. The Illinois House and Senate haven’t taken the power to fill it from Blagojevich. They haven’t scheduled a special election. It looks like Blagojevich plans to cling to office and impeaching him will take several months. He could try to appoint a senator, but no one in his right mind would accept it, and Senate leaders in Washington have made clear they wouldn’t let his choice be seated.

… Lest Republicans be tempted to gloat, let’s remember that their last governor sits in a federal prison cell today.

Republicans and Democrats need to make amends with Illinois citizens. Republicans are ready to do their part — they support a special election.

Democrats, give the people the power to choose the next U.S. senator. They promise not to auction it off.