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MSNBC host: ‘Bizarre’ Clinton hasn’t made Ferguson statement

MSNBC host Chris Hayes on Tuesday tweeted it’s “bizarre” that Hillary Clinton has not weighed in on the situation in Ferguson.

Several news outlets reported the former secretary of State dodged two reporters’ questions about Ferguson at a book signing in the Hamptons last weekend.

After Clinton signed more than 700 books at a store in Westhampton Beach, two reporters asked her to react to the unrest in Missouri, according to CNN.

Clinton, the likely Democratic front-runner for president if she runs in 2016, ignored their questions and left the bookstore, reports said.

In addition to Hayes’s comment, Rev. Al Sharpton, another host on MSNBC, said at a Ferguson rally earlier this month, “Jeb Bush, Hillary Clinton, don’t get laryngitis on this issue. … Nobody can go to the White House unless they stop by our house and talk about policing.”

The civil rights activist has been heavily engaged in Ferguson protests since the fatal police shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown on Aug. 9.

President Obama has weighed in on the case multiple times and sent Attorney General Eric Holder to Ferguson last week to meet with residents and Brown’s family.