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Sam tackles lobbyist seeking NFL ban on gays

The lobbyist pushing a bill to ban gay athletes from the NFL is going to need a time machine if he wants the proposal to gain traction, said Michael Sam, the gay football player whose coming out prompted the proposal.

Sam, a former University of Missouri defensive lineman, slammed as “bogus” the proposal pushed by lobbyist Jack Burkman in a tweet on Tuesday. Sam referenced the car used as a time machine in the popular trilogy “Back to the Future.”

Burkman said his effort was prompted after Sam publically came out as gay earlier this month. Sam is a potential NFL draft pick and could be the first openly gay professional football player in the league.

Burkman’s proposal touted the day before has been criticized by a number of people including a K Street firm he previously worked for, Holland & Knight.

He has denied it is a publicity stunt and claimed there are a number of lawmakers interested, but he declined to name them.

The Hill found Burkman’s firm, JM Burkman & Associates, signed the most clients of any other lobbyist last year.