Gossip: In The Know

‘Daily Show’ employees attempt to navigate the maze of Tampa security

Senior correspondents for “The Daily Show With Jon Stewart” joined the rest of the Washington press corps trying to navigate the labyrinth of security barriers — and oppressive humidity — in downtown Tampa. 

{mosads}John Oliver, Jason Jones and Samantha Bee were sweating out the Florida heat Tuesday morning, trying to figure out how to negotiate the multiple layers of security surrounding the site 

of the Republican National Convention.

The left-leaning Comedy Central show is filming from Tampa during the GOP festivities.

Asked how Republicans were treating him and the show’s crew, Oliver sighed and said, “As nice as we can expect.”

Oliver met his wife, Kate Norley, during the 2008 Republican convention in Minneapolis as he tried to evade security. 

Norley, attending the convention with fellow Army veterans, helped Oliver and a producer hide as they were being chased by officials.

Asked if he had brought his wife to Tampa for an anniversary, Oliver responded with an emphatic “no.”

“No f–king way I would subject her to this again,” Oliver said. “She was miserable enough at the last one.”

Bob Cusack contributed to this report.