Gossip: In The Know

Bordallo spends big for big event

Madeleine Bordallo (D-Guam) recorded the largest single expenditure on
food of any member of the House in the third quarter of this year,
according to newly released records compiled by the Sunlight
Foundation. Bordallo spent $6,090 on food and beverages at the
Outrigger Guam Resort in August.

{mosads}According to her office, Bordallo
hosted a congressional delegation that included Reps. Nick Rahall
(D-W.Va.) and Henry Brown Jr. (R-S.C.) and Dels. Eni Faleomavaega
(D-American Samoa), Donna Christensen (D-Virgin Islands) and Gregorio
Sablan (I-Northern Mariana Islands). More than 300 people attended the
event, and the price reflects logistical and audio-visual help as well.

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) came in second on the
spending list, with an event also in August that cost $5,380. Rounding
out the top five were Reps. Jean Schmidt (R-Ohio), $4,657; Barbara Lee
(D-Calif), $4,066; and Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), $3,863.