My 5 Minutes with the President

Chaske Spencer

Chaske Spencer, who grew up in Montana, plays the role of werewolf Sam Uley in the “Twilight” films, appearing most recently in “Breaking Dawn-Part 1,” the conclusion to which is currently in post-production.

Spencer’s breakout role was in the film “Skins,” which led to “Dreamkeeper” and “Into the West.”

Spencer, who is of Native American descent, attended Lewis and Clark University prior to pursuing his acting career.

ROBIN BRONK: If you had five minutes in the Oval Office with President Obama, what would you discuss with him? What issue would you like him to know about?

CHASKE SPENCER: I would discuss the rights of the indigenous people in our country and the responsibilities of our government to protect those rights.  

RB: If you could ask President Obama one question, what would that be?

CS: If you could shift one governmental system in this country, what would it be?

RB: What piece of advice would you give President Obama as he hits the campaign trail for the upcoming election?

CS: Stay connected to what you burn for and why you ran for president in the first place. Don’t get sucked in by the systems that aren’t designed to foster that.  

RB: If you were going to send the president to one of your favorite places in the United States for one day, where would that be? Why?

CS: I think I would give him a day off and let him go to one of his favorite places with his family, because he deserves it!

RB: What CD/piece of music would you recommend that President Obama add to his collection? Why?

CS: Rolling Stones — any album — are you really asking why?

RB: Would you ever consider a political career?

CS: I never say never, but not in my immediate plans.

Robin Bronk is CEO of The Creative Coalition — the leading national, nonprofit, nonpartisan public advocacy organization of the entertainment industry. Bronk is a frequent speaker on the role of the entertainment industry in public advocacy campaigns and represents The Creative Coalition and its legislative agenda before members of Congress and the White House. She produced the feature film “Poliwood,” airing on Showtime, and edited the recently published book Art & Soul. Bronk pens this weekly column with assistance from Risa Kotek.