Past Event

Clean Energy Permitting Reform: The Path Ahead  





When President Biden approved the latest debt ceiling bill to avert default, he also signed into law a handful of compromise permitting reforms, focused largely on amendments to the decades-old National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). 

This bipartisan “mini-deal” included long-awaited provisions to speed up infrastructure permitting for fossil fuel and clean energy projects – including completion of the controversial Mountain Valley pipeline – but left out other proposals on critical minerals and electric transmission that some others had hoped to see in order to fully unleash the promise of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and the bipartisan infrastructure law. 

Where do we go from here, and what does this deal mean for the clean energy and electric transportation industries and the likelihood of more comprehensive permitting reform down the line? In the absence of further congressional action, what can be done by the states and the Biden Administration? 

Join The Hill as we convene lawmakers, clean energy experts and executives to answer these questions and discuss renewable energy infrastructure deployment, reaching clean energy goals, and the outlook for greater reforms.  

National Press Club Holeman Lounge, 529 14th St. NW, 13th Floor, Washington, DC 20045

Wednesday, July 26, 2023
7:30 AM – Breakfast & Networking
8:00 AM – Programming Begins
10:00 AM – Programming Concludes


  • Shannon Baker-Branstetter, Senior Director, Domestic Climate & Energy Policy, Center for American Progress 
  • Rep. John Curtis (R-UT), Vice Chair, Energy, Climate & Grid Security Subcommittee; Vice Chair, Federal Lands Subcommittee
  • Kyle Davis, Senior Director, U.S. Federal Policy, Enel North America
  • Chay English, Policy Strategist & Managing Counsel, Ford Motor Co.
  • Xan Fishman, Director, Energy Policy & Carbon Management, Bipartisan Policy Center
  • Sen. John Hickenlooper (D-CO), Member, Energy & Natural Resources Committee
  • Heather Reams, President, Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions (CRES)
  • Maria Robinson, Director, Grid Deployment Office, Department of Energy
  • Jesse Simons, Co-Founder & Chief Commercial Officer, SOLARCYCLE


  • Bob Cusack, Editor in Chief, The Hill

Have a question? Tweet us @TheHillEvents using #TheHillCleanEnergy


Advanced Energy United educates, engages, and advocates for policies that allow our member companies to power our economy with 100% clean energy and electrify transportation. We work with elected officials and policymakers in D.C. and in states across the country, as well as utility regulators and energy market operators. The businesses we represent are lowering consumer energy costs, creating millions of new jobs, and providing the full range of clean, efficient, and reliable energy and transportation solutions. Together, we are united in our mission to accelerate the transition to 100% clean energy and electrified transportation in the United States. Find Advanced Energy United online at and on Twitter @AdvEnergyUnited


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