NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund official: Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh ‘needs to comply with the rule of law’

Todd Cox, the director of policy at the NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund, has some concerns about President Trump’s Supreme Court pick, Brett Kavanaugh.

“We are talking about the rule of law here — that is what really needs to be probed. Will this nominee comply with the rule of law?” Kavanaugh told Hill.TV co-hosts Buck Sexton and Krystal Ball on “Rising.”

{mosads}Cox pointed to the landmark Supreme Court case Brown v. Board of Education, in which justices unanimously ruled that the “separate but equal” standards of racial segregation were unconstitutional.

“Brown has been assumed to be the quintessential example of the rule of law and we can’t be cute with this, particularly in this time that we’re in,” Cox said.

Cox said that many of the nominees with qualifications similar to Kavanaugh have not been able to endorse the holding of Brown v. Board of Education.

“He came from a list of an organization that is openly hostile to civil rights,” Cox said. “We need to see this within the context of the new abnormal.” 

Cox’s comments come after the NAACP issued a statement expressing a similar sentiment.

“Brett Kavanaugh is a dangerous ideologue whose extreme views on civil rights would solidify a far right majority on the Supreme Court,” the civil rights organization said.

The NAACP also said that a Kavanaugh confirmation would “re-make the Court in President Trump’s own image.”

Still, Kavanaugh’s confirmation is expected to go through; that is, unless Democrats can convince key Republican senators like Susan Collins (Maine) and Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) to go against their own party. 

The GOP-controlled Senate needs only 51 votes to confirm Supreme Court nominees.

— Tess Bonn 

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