Immigration attorney calls on federal agencies to probe Trump golf course

An attorney representing five immigrant women who worked at the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, N.J., called on the Justice and Homeland Security departments to look into the safety of other potential undocumented workers at the golf club. 

“When the New York Times piece was published, my clients were receiving phone calls from friends, in fact, they were even receiving pictures from friends inside of the golf club saying we’re here, we’re working,” Anibal Romero told Hill.TV’s Krystal Ball on Monday. 

“We haven’t heard from them since, and we’re very concerned for their safety, and that is why we ask that either the Department of Homeland Security or the attorney general’s office really look into [and] see what was going on here.”

Hill.TV has reached out to the Trump Organization for comment. 

The New Jersey attorney general’s office opened an investigation last month into claims of harassment at the golf club from numerous current and former housekeepers alleging racially charged mistreatment. 

Romero is representing Victorina Morales, who was profiled in The New York Times last month. 

Morales reportedly crossed the border illegally in 1999 and was hired at President Trump’s golf course in 2013 while using “phony” immigration papers. 

The Trump Organization told The Hill earlier this month after Morales’s profile was published that “if any employee submitted false documentation in an attempt to circumvent the law, they will be terminated immediately.”

— Julia Manchester

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