Border patrol agents have been donating items to migrants, says agent

U.S. Border Patrol agent Fidel O. Baca said in an interview that aired Friday on “Rising” that other agents have been donating items such as clothes and toys to migrant children crossing the southern border. 

“One of the things that started happening at the stations is now we have toys at the stations, we have DVDs at the stations,” Baca, who is based in El Paso, Texas, told Hill.TV’s Buck Sexton last week. 

“I’m a father. I have two-year-old and a five-year-old,” he continued. “They get impatient. We need to get them to settle down a little bit. So agents donated DVDs, they donated toys, sometimes clothing.” 

Baca also mentioned that agents tried to help out during the winter months by giving blankets to migrants crossing into the U.S. 

“One thing we were running into was that, is that during the winter months, most of these folks are from Central America, so they don’t have the attire. They’re not prepared for the cold, especially out in the desert, I mean it’s not uncommon for us to reach 10 degrees, 15 degrees,” he said.

“These people are not ready for that. They’re not prepared,” he added. “I would see children with T-shirts on. We try and bring out blankets, and do whatever we can for them.”

President Trump has been aiming to take further action on the southern border in an effort to combat what his administration calls a crisis. 

He backed off of his threats to shut the U.S. border with Mexico, but the State Department said on Saturday that it would halt aid to countries known as the Northern Triangle at the president’s direction. 

— Julia Manchester

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