Dem strategist warns ‘it’s not going to go well’ for Biden if he takes Trump’s bait

Democratic strategist Jennifer Holdsworth told Hill.TV’s “Rising” on Friday that former Vice President Joe Biden should not respond to President Trump’s attacks during the 2020 presidential race, warning that it won’t end well for the former vice president. 

“If he takes Donald Trump’s bait, it’s not going to go well for him and it’s not going to go well for the Democratic Party,” Holdsworth, senior vice president at MWWPR Strategies, told hosts Jamal Simmons and Buck Sexton. 

Biden entered the crowded Democratic Primary on Thursday. 

Trump welcomed Biden into the fray with a tweet calling him “Sleepy Joe” and questioning his intelligence. 

“Welcome to the race Sleepy Joe. I only hope you have the intelligence, long in doubt, to wage a successful primary campaign. It will be nasty – you will be dealing with people who truly have some very sick & demented ideas. But if you make it, I will see you at the Starting Gate!” Trump tweeted. 

Biden laughed off the tweet when asked about it on Thursday, saying, “Everybody knows Donald Trump.” 

“If Joe Biden wants to win this race, that’s exactly the reaction he has to have,” Holdsworth said. 

— Julia Manchester

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