Saagar Enjeti rips Harris over response to questioner’s mental disability remark

Opinion by: Saagar Enjeti

Senator Kamala Harris wants you to believe that she is awfully hard of hearing. Over the weekend the California senator got herself into hot water after video surfaced of her laughing after a supporter called President Donald Trump quote “mentally retarded.” Not only did she laugh but she even complimented the supporter on their choice of words in an incident clear as day. 

After a round of criticism the senator tried to say Saturday that quote, “I didn’t. Hear the words the man used in that moment but if i had i would’ve stopped and corrected him.” 

As Peter Hasson of the Daily Caller points out, this is the third time that Harris has tried to use this laughably false excuse. Lets not forget this is the same person who raised her hand when she was asked if she supported abolishing private insurance at the presidential debates in June, only to say she misheard the question and that she thought the moderators meant if she was willing to give up her own private health insurance. 

Before that when CNN’s Jake Tapper asked her a question during a January townhall regarding stricter scrutiny of police shootings, she dodged saying that as attorney general she made it a practice of not weighing in on bills that concerned the matter. A Washington Post fact checker analysis found however that the claim was absolutely false though they withheld judgement because she admitted an error with an excuse you may find familiar

You guessed it! She misheard the question. Over and over again she tries to seduce the progressive wing of the democratic party with bold pronouncements on stage until she realizes that its a bit too far for her consultants so she tries to split the difference. How else do you explain “medicare for all who want it” and her other anodyne proposals. 

Kamala harris is an obvious poll tested fraud and people are starting to take notice. Recent poll after recent poll shows the democratic race narrowing down to three candidates: Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and Joe Biden. Its worth noting that in this race there are basically two flavors of progressivism and a call back to yesteryear. Its no wonder that somebody trying to split the difference like harris is floundering.

Harris’s own campaign is acknowledging a summer slump in the state of New Hampshire where she’s even getting beat by Pete Buttigieg. I for one am excited to see what poll tested, t-shirt ready response she’ll have ready for many of the candidates on the stage as she tries to replicate her one moment in the sun during the first debate.

Ask yourself this simple question for a presidential candidate. Why are they running for president. For most, its pretty easy. Trump, keep America great. Joe Biden, Obama 2.0. Bernie Sanders, political revolution. Elizabeth Warren, economic justice.

Kamala Harris? I’ll let you decide. In the meantime i want everyone to turn their volume up during the debate extra loud so we can make sure we don’t mishear whatever prevarication she has prepared for us next.


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