Saagar Enjeti rips NYT report over attacks on Warren’s authenticity

Opinion by: Saagar Enjeti

It seems I can’t stop talking about The New York times here for my monologues, but they just keep making such egregious mistakes.

One of their reporters wrote a “news analysis” to describe how Elizabeth Warren’s authenticity was being called into question by the GOP, and that it is a typical sexist attack. Once again, I literally could not believe my eyes in the so-called paper of record.

Let’s begin with the very first sentence which says that president trump and his allies or I guess anyone who doesn’t like Elizabeth warren” has quote “struggled for months to come up with effective ways to confront Elizabeth warren.” Uh, no they haven’t had to struggle. The issue is right there glaring us all in the face. She lied about her heritage for decades to advance her career and appear special. She clung to those lies for years and only half fessed up to it when she decided to run for president.

The New York times literally cannot reconcile itself with the fact that she even lied about her heritage, in their own story they claim that she apparently proved her Native American heritage with a DNA test that showed she might be approximately 1/1024th Native American, aka not Native American. It is gaslighting before your very eyes and it’s shameful.

Their comparison to prove that concerns about her authenticity are a sexist trope? Well they point to….Hillary Clinton. I mean my god. It’s not sexist to call inauthentic people inauthentic. How many different idealogical versions did we see of Hillary through the years? Are they really going to make me play the clip of her with a fake southern accent? Ok fine, lets’ roll the tape

This has nothing to do with gender and everything to do with a pattern of dishonesty and misrepresenting your past. Perhaps that’s why some of us are a teeny tiny bit skeptical when Elizabeth Warren’s claims don’t appear to 100% match up with things that she said in the past about being fired from her job.

But this has a lot more to do with just her heritage, it’s also about how she’s carried herself since ascending to high office. She was the progressive warrior who endorsed Hillary Clinton and took big money cash for her campaign for years. until she swore it off for the primary, but then said she’d leave the door open for the general election if she was the nominee.

Wednesday she came out and said well she’ll swear off the big money personally but her campaign clarified that she would still do them for the DNC? Oh ok, I guess that’s the fundamental sea change in American politics that people were looking for. Krystal also pointed out that she swore off big money only after it was proven that she could make sufficient cash from it.

Journalist Zaid Jilani has also pointed out that warren has far from committed herself to Medicare for all with her recent “framework” comment and may even be opening the door to expanded Medicaid type coverage. A far cry from the Bernie Sanders proposal.

That’s not to mention the 10-million-dollar ad buy and pledge to root out corruption in Washington while utterly refusing to condemn the former vice president’s son from cashing in on his father’s office. I could go on and on and on. There are plenty of reasons not to trust Elizabeth Warren. the Native American heritage scandal just shows us that it’s not just in politics that we can’t take her word.

Guess I’m a disgusting sexist for pointing all of this out according to The New York times. 

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