Saagar Enjeti questions Warren’s authenticity on ‘Medicare for all’

Opinion by: Saagar Enjeti

A new video unearthed by supersleuth Tommy Christopher over at Mediaite reveals that Elizabeth Warren majorly equivocates on Medicare-for-All during an August meeting with a union group in Illinois.

So let’s get this straight. The woman with a master plan is reduced to platitudes like “So, it’s not that I have a plan that says we’re going to do this part and then we’re going to do this part and then we’re going to do this part” accompanied by telling a group that the way Medicare-for-All would be figured out would be gathering people “around tables like this one.”

Yes, you heard that right. Elizabeth Warren who has detailed multi-page plans for rewriting the rules of American finance and trade policy has a plan for healthcare that essentially amounts to getting people around a table and figuring it out. That is gaslighting in the extreme when she has repeatedly stated unequivocally that she has signed on to the Bernie Sanders’ version of Medicare-for-All which actually spells a lot of this out quite clearly.

Why does this matter? Well, it seems pretty evident that Warren is trying to ride the coattails of the progressive left through the Democratic primary by paying lip-service to so-called Medicare-for-all while at the same time giving herself a lot of space to breathe if she makes it to the General Election. We saw this time and time again when she flat out refused to say if her plan would raise middle-class taxes to pay for healthcare.

Let’s take a listen.

Warren, of course, after the debate has come out and said she will release some plans in the near future about how she will pay for Medicare-for-All, but at this point how can we be reasonably certain that is what she’s even proposing? Why do I care about this? Well, it shows pretty clearly that Donald Trump will destroy an equivocating Elizabeth Warren on this.

If nobody knows what the hell you’re actually running on, then you rightfully will get blasted from all sides. It’s a typical politician move that no longer works in the era of Trump politics. Donald Trump for all his bluster will actually tell you exactly what he thinks about every single issue. Immigration? Build the wall. Trade? America is all that matters. Foreign policy? End the wars. It’s simple, effective, and for all the beltway’s attempts to change America’s mind, it’s what most people actually want.

Authenticity matters above all. Voters need to look at you and actually trust that when you get put into very tough situations that you’re going to do what you said you will do. How are they supposed to look at those clips above and then what she says on the campaign trail and think otherwise?

On top of all of this is, of course, the Pocahontas scandal. It’s not going away. No matter how much her media allies want to white wash it. Elizabeth Warren lied to the public for years about her heritage despite massive evidence to the contrary, when the actual DNA evidence emerged she shared it triumphantly only to be rightly mocked for being at worst 1/1024th Native American.

If you think she and her campaign have moved on from this think again. Astute observers pointed out last week she quietly deleted the video on her Twitter account in which she reveals her heritage. They know that the video is basically an ad for the Trump campaign because just like in this instance it raises a real question. Can you actually trust a word that comes out of her mouth?

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