Michael Moore: Comparing Trump’s Ukraine dealings to Hunter Biden’s is a ‘false equivalency’

Liberal filmmaker Michael Moore argued in a Hill.TV interview that comparing President Trump’s dealings with Ukraine to Hunter Biden’s business activities in the country is not an apples-to-apples comparison.

“It would be a false equivalency if we were to talk about it because Hunter Biden didn’t break any laws,” Moore said in an Oct. 24 interview that aired in full Wednesday.

“It’s been thoroughly investigated,” he added. “All of the conspiracy theories have been debunked, end of story.”

However, Moore said the allegations against Biden point to a larger issue, namely that relatives of prominent politicians often receive employment and investment opportunities not typically offered to regular citizens.

Hunter Biden acknowledged in an interview last month with ABC News that he wouldn’t have been named a board member at Burisma if his father had not been vice president. He added that he exercised “poor judgement” by serving on the board while his father was in office.

Trump and his allies have focused on Biden amid the House-led impeachment inquiry into the president. Democratic lawmakers are investigating whether Trump tried to get Ukraine to launch politically motivated investigations that would benefit him in 2020.

Two Republican Senate chairmen have called on the Treasury Department to hand over any “suspicious activity reports” related to Hunter Biden and a Ukrainian gas company where he served as a board member.

In a letter dated Nov. 15, Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) gave the Treasury Department until Dec. 5 to hand over the financial documents.

The GOP senators said in their letter that the Burisma energy firm paid Biden as much as $50,000 a month and that their committees were investigating “potentially improper actions by the Obama administration with respect to Burisma Holdings and Ukraine.”

The move came after Trump has repeatedly alleged that that Joe Biden, as vice president during the Obama administration, pressured Ukraine to fire a top prosecutor in order to protect his son’s business interests.

The Bidens have denied any wrongdoing and there is no evidence to support Trump’s allegations.

—Tess Bonn

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