Progressive commentator: Impeachment will benefit Democrats in 2020

Progressive commentator Sam Seder predicted Monday that impeaching President Trump over his dealings with Ukraine will ultimately help Democrats politically in the 2020 elections.

“It is all a benefit I think for Democrats,” Seder, host of liberal talk radio program “The Majority Report,” told Hill.TV.

“It is not motivating the Republican base as people suspected it might,” he continued.

Seder, unlike some of fellow progressive commentators, has voiced support for the Democratic-led impeachment inquiry. He maintained that Trump needs to be held accountable and argued that the move has been an effective defensive measure for the party going into next year.

“If anything will take the Senate back, it’ll be this,” he told Hill.TV.

Seder’s comments come as House Democrats are expected to hammer out articles of impeachment against Trump.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) formally announced last Thursday that Democrats will move forward on impeaching Trump, saying the president’s actions has left them with “no choice.” Prior to launching the impeachment inquiry in September, Pelosi had rejected calls for a probe over concerns about Democrats in swing states. 

The House Judiciary Committee could move as soon as this week to send articles to the floor for consideration.

The Judiciary panel, meanwhile, held its final impeachment hearing Monday morning, where Democrats and Republicans alike sought to win over public opinion.

While Democrats are seeking to present evidence that Trump is unfit for office, Republicans cast Democrats as overzealous on their impeachment efforts. Trump and his allies have repeatedly claimed that the impeachment inquiry is strictly partisan in nature and largely aimed at reversing the outcome of the 2016 presidential election.

The battle is a culmination of a months-long inquiry led by House Democrats into whether Trump used his office to pressure a foreign power — Ukraine — into launching investigations into his political rivals that would benefit him in 2020. 

Throughout the impeachment investigation, Trump has denied any wrongdoing, often dismissing the probe as a “witch hunt.”

—Tess Bonn

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