Krystal Ball: Biden more vulnerable than he appears

Hill.TV host Krystal Ball said Thursday that former vice president and 2020 front-runner Joe Biden could be more vulnerable than the polls suggest.

“No one has less business being the frontrunner and yet there he is,” Ball said. “Challenging voters to push up contests, bumbling through sleepy time ‘rallies’ and promising the wealthy that on his watch, ‘nothing will fundamentally change’ and hanging out at the top of the polls the whole time.”

“On Monday, I made the case that Biden, whose support has consistently hovered between 25 and 28 percent, could, in fact, be vulnerable,” she added.

Though Biden has fallen behind in some early state primary polls, Biden has consistently lead the crowded Democratic field throughout the race.

According to the RealClearPolitics Average of national polls, the former vice president boasts a 9-point lead over his closest competitor in the race, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.). Biden has 28 percent support compared to Sanders’s 19 percent. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), meanwhile, comes in third with 15 percent followed by South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg at 8 percent.

Biden is poised to take part in the sixth Democratic debate Thursday night, where he will appear alongside six other candidates.

The debate, which is sponsored by PBS Newshour and Politico, is set to take place at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles.


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