Progressive commentator: Biden relies on ‘illusion’ he is best candidate to beat Trump

Progressive commentator Emma Vigeland argued that former Vice President Joe Biden’s campaign rests solely on the “illusion” that he is the Democrat best positioned to beat President Trump.

“The only way to get him off the top of the national perch of polling is to shake the illusion that he is the best candidate to defeat Trump. That is what his entire campaign is resting on,” Vigeland, a correspondent for The Young Turks, told Hill.TV during an interview that aired Friday.

She also argued that Biden is behaving in a “Trumpian way going after activists, people that are challenging him — regular folks at his events.”

During a back-and-forth at a campaign event this month in Iowa, Biden called an audience member a “damn liar” after the man referenced debunked claims about Hunter Biden’s work in Ukraine.

“It’s actually kind of disturbing to me because it shows that he has nothing but contempt, for not just the left but people that want to challenge him,” Vigeland said. “He doesn’t feel he needs to win their votes over.”

Biden has fallen behind in early-voting states like Iowa and New Hampshire, but he has maintained his lead over the crowded Democratic primary field on a national level.

Less than a week after the December debate, a Morning Consult poll showed Biden holding onto the top spot with 31 percent support, followed by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) with 21 percent support. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) was third with 15 percent. No other candidate registered in double digits.

The RealClearPolitics average of national polls showed slightly different results. Biden, at 28 percent, holds a 9-point lead over Sanders. Warren was third at 15 percent.

—Tess Bonn

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