Bloomberg surges past Warren into third place in new national poll

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg surged past Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) in the latest nationwide Hill-HarrisX poll, putting him in third place in the field of Democratic presidential candidates.

The survey, released Thursday, showed Bloomberg’s support ticking up 4 percentage points to 11 percent from from a Jan. 13-14 poll. Warren dropped 2 points, to 9 percent.

Other candidates registering in the single digits included former South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg, at 5 percent, and businessman Andrew Yang and billionaire Tom Steyer, who each received 4 percent. The rest of the White House hopefuls polled at 2 percent or less.

Warren has struggled to rebound nationally after peaking at 19 percent support in October.

But Warren isn’t the only top-tier candidate to slide in the polls ahead of Monday’s Iowa caucuses. Progressive rival Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) dropped 2 points, to 17 percent.

Former Vice President Joe Biden, meanwhile, maintained a double-digit lead over the field, with 29 percent support.

Both Biden and Sanders are locked in a tight race in Iowa. An Emerson poll released Sunday found the Vermont senator in the top spot in the Hawkeye State with 30 percent support, followed by Biden’s 21 percent. A New York Times/Siena College poll released the day before also showed Sanders in the lead with 25 percent support to Biden’s 17 percent.

The Hill-HarrisX survey was conducted among 878 respondents from Jan. 20-22. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.3 percentage points.

—Tess Bonn



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