Trump campaign official says mainstream media can’t be trusted with Tara Reade coverage 

Marc Lotter, Director of Strategic Communications for President Trump’s reelection campaign, said that the mainstream media cannot be trusted covering sexual assault allegations against the presumptive Democratic nominee, former Vice President Joe Biden. 

“Can we even trust the mainstream media to handle issues in a fair and nonpartisan manner?” Lotter asked on the Hill. TV’s show “Rising” Wednesday. “If it’s good for one side, those same standards should apply to the other.”

Tara Reade, a former aide for then-Delaware Sen. Biden, alleged that he sexually assaulted her in a secluded part of Capitol Hill in 1993.

Lotter said there is a disparity between how the media covered sexual assault allegations against now-Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh and how it is reporting on the allegations against Biden. 

“We have seen a complete difference in approach between Brett Kavanaugh and Joe Biden, and there’s almost a hands off approach. And I think that’s something that the American people will begin to see more and more of,” he said. 

One of Kavanaugh’s accusers, Christine Blasey Ford, testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee, which eventually determined his nomination.


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