Trump campaign brushes off concerns he is trailing Biden

President Trump’s reelection campaign is pushing back on the idea that he is losing the 2020 White House race, even as several polls show him trailing former Vice President Joe Biden by double digits.

Marc Lotter, the Trump campaign’s director of strategic communications, told Hill.TV’s “Rising” on Wednesday that he is confident the economy will rebound and that Trump will be able to take credit for a new economic resurgence after the coronavirus pandemic.

“I think that the results the president is achieving is going to win the day,” he said. “It shows the American economy is ready to take off, and if we can shake off the coronavirus and get through this, I think we’re going to see this economy take off, that confidence is going to be back and people are going to see that the president’s leadership is what got us there.” 

The Trump campaign official weighed in after being asked about recent comments from former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) that Trump is “losing” the White House race and needs major changes in order to win reelection in the fall.

Lotter also downplayed new spikes in COVID-19 cases happening across the South and Southwest, saying that while people should still adhere to health guidance from federal, state and local officials, the country has still seen the situation improve since the initial outbreak earlier this year. 

“Most of the new cases we are seeing, a lot of them are in younger people, the death rate is not climbing like you’d seen in the earlier parts of this year and we are much better prepared this increase in just positive cases,” he said.

“While we need to be prepared, we need people to continue doing the guidance that is issued by the CDC, the coronavirus task force and their local officials, we also have to remember that what we had two months ago is not what we are facing today. And we can learn to do more than one thing at once – be safe, be productive and be back to work.” 

Experts predict that the death rate, which typically lags behind the infection rate, will rise in the coming days and weeks as several states such as California, Texas and Arizona post a record number of new infections.

Trump has seen his approval rating take a hit amid criticism over his handling of the coronavirus and protests over systemic racism and police brutality. 

You can see more of Hill.TV’s interview with Lotter above.

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