Sirota predicts that Biden won’t be able to work with Republicans

David Sirota, founder of the The Daily Poster said that President-elect Joe Biden’s claim that he can rely on bipartisanship and his purported good relationships with Republicans to get things done is unlikely. 

The president-elect made bipartisanship a centerpiece to his campaign, stating that he had good relationships with leaders like Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) that he fostered during his time in the Senate.

Speaking on Hill.TV’s “Rising,” Sirota said that former President Barack Obama admitted that the ideal of bipartisanship didn’t work out the way he intended.

“Mitch McConnell is not an un-honest actor when it comes to things like that” Sirota said. “So, if Biden has in his mind that that’s what’s gonna happen…it’s not gonna go well.”

Sirota added that Biden’s tenure in the Obama administration should have shown him that bipartisanship wouldn’t work out, claiming that the administration was “constantly thwarted at every turn by Republican obstructionism.”

“The idea that the opposition is going to be a loyal, or honest, or principled opposition is…the Republicans have taught us that they won’t be,” Sirota said. “So the idea that Biden is relying on that, it’s just…it’s mind boggling, it’s just not reality.”


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