Hill.TV poll: Voters split on whether Mueller has proof Trump colluded with Russia

Voters are split on whether special counsel Robert Mueller has uncovered evidence of possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, according to a new American Barometer poll. 

The survey, conducted by Hill.TV and the HarrisX polling company, found that 39 percent of respondents said they believe Mueller has evidence of collusion between President Trump and Russia. 

Thirty-six percent of respondents said they do not believe Mueller has obtained evidence of collusion, while 25 percent said they were not sure. 

The survey revealed a deep partisan divide on the matter, with only 11 percent of Republicans saying that they believed Mueller had evidence of collusion, while 71 percent of Democrats said the same. 

Seventy percent of Republicans said they did not think Mueller had uncovered evidence of collusion, while 7 percent of Democrats said the same. 

“The bases are with their fan groups,” election and polling analyst Henry Olsen told Hill.TV’s Jamal Simmons on “What America’s Thinking,” adding that the group of respondents who said they were unsure is the most important. 

“These are the people who decide American elections. These are the people that sit between the two polls, and what the data tells me is they’re not yet convinced either way,” he said. 

The survey comes as Mueller’s legal team and Trump’s legal counsel discuss whether the president will sit down for an interview with the special counsel. 

Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani has said multiple times that the president would step into a perjury trap if he sat down with Mueller. 

Mueller has made progress in his more than year-long investigation, securing indictments or guilty pleas from a series of Russian nationals and former Trump campaign officials, including former campaign chairman Paul Manafort, former White House national security adviser Michael Flynn, and former campaign adviser George Papadopoulos. 

Manafort was convicted last month on eight counts of bank and tax fraud last month, which were unrelated to his work on the Trump campaign. 

He will face a second trial in the Washington, D.C., later this month. 

The American Barometer poll was conducted on August 31-September 1 among 1,000 registered voters. The sampling margin of error is plus or minus 3.1 percentage points. 

— Julia Manchester


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