Trump’s job approval stands at 46 percent in latest Hill-HarrisX survey

Forty-six percent of registered voters approve of the way President Trump is performing his official duties, according to a Hill-HarrisX poll released Wednesday.

Most voters, 54 percent, said they disapproved of Trump’s job performance, however.

The president’s approval ratings have been stable for months, staying at either 45 or 46 percent since mid-February in Hill-HarrisX surveys, regardless of news events.

In the latest poll, which was conducted April 29-30 among 1,001 registered voters, 81 percent of Republican respondents said they approved of Trump’s performance. Democrats overwhelmingly disagreed, with 84 percent disapproving.

Most independents, 55 percent, said they disapproved of the president while 45 percent said they liked the job he is doing.

The president found the most support among residents of rural areas, with 62 percent saying they approved of his job performance. Forty-six percent of suburban dwellers backed Trump while only 34 percent of urban residents did.

A narrow majority of white voters, 53 percent, said they approved of the president’s conduct in his official duties. Only 21 percent of black respondents and 28 percent of Hispanics said the same.

A majority of women, 59 percent, said they disliked the chief executive’s performance while men were split, 50-50.

Younger respondents, between 18 and 34, disapproved of Trump overwhelmingly with just 37 percent offering him support.

The president did better among other age groups, although 52 percent of those 35 and up said they disapproved of his job performance.

The survey was conducted online among a statistically representative panel of voters. It has a 3.1 percentage point sampling margin of error and a 95 percent confidence level.

—Matthew Sheffield


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