12:30 Report

The Hill’s 12:30 Report

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The Hill’s 12:30 Report: Super Tuesday III | Last stand for Rubio, Kasich? | RNC sues for Clinton docs | VP talk gets real | Ryan holds “Friends of Ireland” luncheon

NEW TODAY — RNC SUES FOR CLINTON DOCS: Via The Hill’s Julian Hattem, the Republican National Committee has filed four lawsuits to force the federal government to hand over documents related to Hillary Clinton‘s time as secretary of State. Why? The RNC claims that the State Department has for months slow-walked its response to Freedom of Information Act requests. http://bit.ly/1R0csb6

{mosads}BAD NEWS BEARS FOR BUDGET: Via The Hill’s Sarah Ferris, the House Freedom Caucus on Monday voted to oppose the House GOP’s budget strategy, throwing up a major hurdle to the party’s attempt to begin passing spending bills. Why: The conservative group said it opposed the plan presented by the House Budget Committee earlier that night, ending a weeks-long attempt by GOP leaders to unite the party behind a budget blueprint. http://bit.ly/2524w2s

It’s Tuesday — and five states vote today, including Florida and Ohio, which could be D-Day for Marco Rubio and John Kasich. I’m Cate Martel with a quick recap of what you missed this morning — and what’s on tap for the rest of the day. Send comments, story ideas and upcoming events to cmartel@digital-release.thehill.com@CateMartel and on Facebook.


Florida: All 99 delegates awarded to the winner. 
Illinois: 69 delegates awarded; 15 to the winner, the rest divided by congressional district.
Missouri: 52 delegates; if one candidate wins the majority of votes, they take all; otherwise, delegates are proportional. 
North Carolina: 72 delegates awarded on a proportional basis
Ohio: All 66 delegates are awarded to the winner


Florida: 214 delegates will be divvied up proportionally
Illinois: 156 delegates awarded proportionally
Missouri: 52 delegates; if one candidate wins a majority of votes, they take all; otherwise, delegates are proportional
North Carolina: 72 delegates awarded proportionally
Ohio: 143 delegates will be awarded proportionally

THE NEXT FUN THING FOR PUNDITS TO SPECULATE — VP PICKS: Via The Hill’s Vicki Needham and Mike Lillis, Hillary Clinton is already struggling with white working-class voters in the race against Bernie Sanders, based on his victory in Michigan. And with Donald Trump close to securing the GOP nomination with his populist ideas, Democrats are wondering if Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) could be the populist VP pick that could balance Clinton. http://bit.ly/1UvLv3y 

WE’RE ALL IN THIS TO-GETHER: Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) reiterated today that he would support Donald Trump if he wins the GOP nomination, even as the Speaker called on the party’s front-runner to tone down his rhetoric following violence at recent campaign rallies. http://bit.ly/22iVMmq

THOSE ARE SOME LUCKY CONSTITUENTS: Via The Hill’s Scott Wong, Democrats are raising questions about hundreds of thousands in campaign cash longtime Rep. John Mica (R-Fla.) spent on lunches and dinners with constituents over the past 18 years of his legislative career. How much: $230,000 since 1998, including $10,000 at restaurants hundreds of miles away from home. What Dem officials allege: Mica is dining with donors. Mica’s response: He’s done nothing wrong; the attacks are politically motivated. http://bit.ly/1YVcUwv

BACK, BACK, BACK THAT UP: Via, The Hill’s Timothy Cama, President Obama is rescinding his proposal to open up the Atlantic coast to offshore drilling. What to watch: Interior Secretary Sally Jewell says more details are coming later Tuesday. It’s unclear whether the administration will allow drilling in the Arctic Ocean. Why? Not on my lawn!: Obama faced an outpouring of opposition from coastal communities from Virginia to Georgia and environmental groups. http://bit.ly/1V9pIiL

SCOTUS WATCH – PREPARING FOR BATTLE: Via Susan Cornwell of Reuters, President Obama is expected to announce a Supreme Court nominee any day now! And the Republican Party is assembling a task force to block whoever that nominee might be. This should be fun. The team: The Republican National Committee said the task force is teaming up with America Rising Squared, a conservative group. http://huff.to/1RLN6xn

ANNOUNCED TODAY — MOTHER TERESA WILL BE A SAINT: Via CNN’s Ralph Ellis and Livia BorghesePope Francis announced today that Mother Teresa will become a saint on Sep. 4. http://cnn.it/1prtMz7



RUBIO’S LAST STAND: Via The Hill’s Ben Kamisar, it’s make-or-break for Marco Rubio today in his home state. Rubio trails Donald Trump by double digits in recent polls, a stunning development few would have predicted in spring 2015. Delegate count: Rubio has 163 delegates, nearly 300 fewer than Trump and 200 behind Ted Cruz. Here’s what’s predicted to happen in Florida today: http://bit.ly/1pIGycq

NO WAY, JOSÉ! NOPE. NOT UH: If Donald Trump wins the nomination, John Kasich denied any interest in teaming up with him. “There’s no way I would team up with Donald Trump,” he said on Fox News’s “Fox & Friends.” “No way, forget it.” http://bit.ly/1WnrtHz

IT AIN’T OVER TILL THE FAT LADY SINGS: Via The Hill’s Jonathan EasleyBernie Sanders is within striking distance of Hillary Clinton in three of the five states hosting contests on Tuesday, hoping to repeat his surprise win from Michigan. Here’s what it would take for Sanders to win the nomination at this point: http://bit.ly/1U4fl0y



The Washington Examiner’s Gabby Morrongiello
Attendees park on top of graves at Trump rally http://bit.ly/1nJzlHd 

National Journal’s Josh Kraushaar
At Ohio presser, Kasich hints he’ll have more to say about Trump after tonight’s results… http://bit.ly/1plzJNm

The Washington Post’s Ed O’Keefe
Not making it up: Guy in crowd answers call from relative from Cuba. He explains to caller “Listen, it’s a Cuban guy running for president” http://bit.ly/21tlzps



12 p.m. EST: Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) hosts a “Friends of Ireland’ luncheon featuring President Obama, Vice President Biden and Taoiseach Enda Kenny of Ireland. Live stream: http://1.usa.gov/22gwZzi 

12:15 p.m. EST: Former first lady Laura Bush speaks at a “Women Rule” event. Live stream: http://politi.co/1QmU4Ny 

1:15–4:45 p.m. EST: The House votes.

1:30 p.m. EST: The House Foreign Affairs Committee is holding a hearing about trade with Cuba. 

2 p.m. EST: The House Armed Services Committee will hold a hearing on the 2017 budget for U.S. Cyber Command. Details: http://1.usa.gov/21t1Iqp 

7 p.m. EST: First polls close tonight in most of Florida. Note: Part of the state is Central Time and will close at 8 p.m. EST.

7 p.m. EST: Hillary Clinton‘s primary night event on Tuesday will be held in West Palm Beach starting at 7 p.m. 

7 p.m. EST: Marco Rubio will hold a primary night event in Miami, Fla.

7:30 p.m. EST: Polls close in North Carolina. 

8 p.m. EST: Polls close in Illinois, Missouri and the rest of Florida.

8 p.m. EST: John Kasich will hold an election night watch party at Baldwin Wallace University in Berea, Ohio.

8:30 p.m. EST: Polls close in Ohio.

9 p.m. EST: Donald Trump will hold a post-election presser from the Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Fla. 



5 p.m. EST: Former presidential candidate Carly Fiorina joins MSNBC’s “MTP Daily” live from the Ted Cruz headquarters in Houston.



Today is National Peanut Lover’s Day!

TALKED ABOUT ON SOCIAL MEDIA — PRINCESS DIARIES 3 IN THE WORKS: While speaking to People Magazine, Director Gary Marshall revealed plans to make a third installment of The Princess Diaries. http://bit.ly/251Ok19

HOW TO HANDLE THE MADNESS: Bleacher Report has predictions for every March Madness matchup. http://ble.ac/1WnwD6t

BROAD, BROAD CITY: Hillary Clinton made an appearance on Comedy Central’s “Broad City.” http://on.cc.com/1WnC2u4

And with that, here’s a boy who dive-bombs into his aunt’s wedding dress as she walks down the aisle. This boy is my spirit animal. http://bzfd.it/1U4mAFU


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Tags Bernie Sanders Donald Trump Hillary Clinton Marco Rubio Paul Ryan Sally Jewell Sherrod Brown Ted Cruz

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