
One Year Out: Election 2024 Preview: Watch live

Join The Hill & the 92nd Street Y on Tuesday to kick off their new partnership with an evening of politics, pundits, and predictions about what to expect on way to November 5, 2024, as we count down to an election year unlike any other. 

Less than a year before Election Day, both parties believe they have a chance of winning the White House and control of both chambers of Congress, underscoring the high stakes of the next 11 months.

Former President Trump is the frontrunner for the Republican nomination, but with nary a vote cast in Iowa or New Hampshire, there is still time for a strong challenger to emerge from the pack of candidates chasing him.

The presidential race will pit the winner of the GOP contest against a seemingly vulnerable President Biden, whose approval ratings have raised Republican hopes of ending his presidency at one term.

Republicans hold a tiny majority in the House that may be difficult to defend, particularly if Biden can win reelection. In the Senate, it’s Democrats trying to hold their slim majority and facing a series of tough battleground races.



The event is scheduled for 7 p.m. EST.

Watch the live video above.

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