
Jimmy Carter back teaching Sunday school after hip surgery

Former President Jimmy Carter on Sunday returned to Maranatha Baptist Church in Georgia to teach Sunday school for the first time since breaking his hip last month. 

Carter, 94, told individuals gathered at the church in Plains, Ga., that he is receiving nursing care with his wife Rosalyn at home and that he has been recovering well, according to The Associated Press. He thanked those in attendance for their well wishes. 

The Atlanta Journal Constitution noted that a line of people snaked around the church before his teaching, scheduled at 10 a.m., began.

Carter said during his lesson that he recently sent a letter to Trump that addressed how Carter dealt with Japan and China on trade when he was in the White House. Carter said Trump responded by calling him.  

“He was very gracious,” Carter said. “The main purpose of his call was to say very frankly to me on a private line that the Chinese were getting way ahead of the United States in many ways.”

Carter in May broke his hip at his Georgia home as he was leaving to go turkey hunting. He had hip replacement surgery just days following the accident. 

The former first lady, Rosalyn Carter, was hospitalized around the same time for what Jimmy Carter first thought was a stroke, AP noted. Her condition turned out to be less serious. 

The Carter Center said at the time of Jimmy Carter’s surgery that the former president would undergo physical therapy.