
Trump goes after Blumenthal: ‘He was a phony Vietnam con artist’

President Trump on Monday attacked Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), calling him a “phony Vietnam con artist.”

“Interesting to watch Senator Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut talking about hoax Russian collusion when he was a phony Vietnam con artist!” Trump tweeted.

{mosads}Trump added that “never in U.S. history has anyone lied or defrauded voters” like the Connecticut Democrat.

“He told stories about his Vietnam battles and conquests, how brave he was, and it was all a lie. He cried like a baby and begged for forgiveness like a child. Now he judges collusion?” the president tweeted.

Blumenthal appeared earlier in the morning on CNN’s “New Day.” During that interview, the senator said he was “concerned” the Department of Justice is “weaponizing” laws after it announced a crackdown on leaks.

He also praised the press, saying he thinks when the “history of this era is written, the heroes will be the free press and the independent judiciary.”

Trump referenced a controversy in which Blumenthal said he misspoke about his military service.

Blumenthal held a press conference during his 2010 Senate campaign to clarify that when he had said he served “in” the Vietnam War, he meant to say he served “during” the war, as a reservist and not overseas.

Trump has in the past targeted Blumenthal.

The president called earlier this year for Blumenthal to face an investigation over the 2010 campaign controversy.