
Preet Bharara to Trump: ‘Keep up the tweeting’

Former U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara trolled President Trump on Twitter Monday, telling him to “keep up the tweeting” in response to the president’s tweets about Monday’s indictments.

“Keep up the tweeting. Seriously, keep it up,” Bharara tweeted.

Trump issued a series of tweets early Tuesday downplaying the indictments and again suggesting that the special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian election meddling should instead focus on Democrats.


“The Fake News is working overtime. As Paul Manaforts [sic] lawyer said, there was ‘no collusion’ and events mentioned took place long before he came to the campaign,” Trump tweeted. “Few people knew the young, low level volunteer named George, who has already proven to be a liar. Check the DEMS!”

Manafort was indicted Monday on 12 counts, including conspiracy against the United States and money laundering, along with his former business associate Richard Gates. The charges mostly stem from work the pair did for a pro-Russia political party in Ukraine.

It was also revealed Monday that former Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos had pleaded guilty earlier in October to lying to the FBI about his contacts with Russians.

Trump fired Bharara in March after Bharara refused to resign. The former attorney, who has been a vocal critic of the president, said Monday that he predicts more charges in the Russia investigation will come soon.