
Trump to visit Capitol Hill amid tax-reform push

President Trump will travel to Capitol Hill on Thursday to speak to House Republicans about their effort to overhaul the tax code, according to the White House.

Trump will speak to members of the House Republican Conference at a meeting at 11:30 Thursday morning. 

GOP Conference Chairwoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers (Wash.) is expected to announce the president’s visit later Monday at a leadership meeting. 


“Republicans have been incredibly unified throughout this process,” White House spokesman Raj Shah said in a statement to The Hill. 

“Ahead of the House’s upcoming vote on tax reform legislation, the president will speak to the conference about how important cuts and reform are to jumpstart our economy, make our businesses more competitive, and let hardworking Americans keep more of their well-earned paychecks.”

Trump’s visit is designed to spark momentum behind the House tax bill, which could come to the floor for a vote as soon as Thursday. 

House GOP leaders are scrambling to cobble together enough votes to pass the bill before lawmakers leave Washington for Thanksgiving. 

Many in the party see the tax bill as their last, best chance to secure a major legislative victory before the 2018 elections. 

Trump is pressuring Congress to move fast; he has said he wants the House to pass a bill by Thanksgiving and for both chambers to deliver a bill to his desk by Christmas. 

So far, the president has mostly been confined to the sidelines as the GOP has launched its tax push. 

He set off on a marathon trip to Asia just days after the House unveiled its plan to slash tax rates and eliminate key deductions, leaving the sales pitch to Vice President Pence, Cabinet officials and his daughter and senior adviser Ivanka Trump. 

The president’s trip to Capitol Hill is an effort to re-engage with the tax-reform debate. But some Republicans worry his comments could complicate the already difficult task of making major changes to the tax code.

In a tweet sent while he was traveling in the Philippines, Trump called for significant changes to the GOP plan. He said if lawmakers repeal the Affordable Care Act’s requirement for individuals to purchase insurance, they could cut the top individual tax rate to 35 percent with “all the rest going to middle income cuts.”

“I am proud of the Rep. House & Senate for working so hard on cutting taxes {& reform.} We’re getting close! Now, how about ending the unfair & highly unpopular Indiv Mandate in OCare & reducing taxes even further? Cut top rate to 35% w/all of the rest going to middle income cuts?” Trump tweeted.

This story was updated at 4:44 p.m.