
WH doctor credits ‘good genes’ for Trump’s excellent health despite fast food diet

President Trump’s military physician on Tuesday credited the president’s genes for his “excellent” health despite his reported fast food habits and lack of exercise.

“It’s called genetics. I don’t know, some people have just great genes,” Navy Rear Adm. Dr. Ronny Jackson said at the White House press briefing after delivering the results of Trump’s physical.

“You know, I told the president that if he had a healthier diet over the last 20 years, he might live to be 200 years old,” Jackson continued.

“He has incredibly good genes, and it’s just the way God made him.”


Jackson, who has examined the past three presidents, said he believes Trump has been on a healthier diet since moving into the White House.

The White House physician fielded questions from reporters for close to an hour about Trump’s physical and mental health following the president’s physical last week.

Jackson repeatedly indicated that Trump — who staffers and others have indicated enjoys McDonald’s, Diet Coke, Kentucky Fried Chicken and other fast food — is in “excellent” health, saying he expects the president to remain healthy for the duration of his tenure.

Trump is 6 feet 3 inches tall and 239 pounds, one pound away from being considered obese based on a scale used by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Jackson noted the president could stand to lose about 10 to 15 pounds through exercise and an improved diet.

Trump also requested a cognitive test during his physical last week, which Jackson said the president performed well on. 

“I’ve seen him every day,” Jackson said. “I had absolutely no concerns about his cognitive ability or his neurological functions.”