
Emails show Carson family involvement in HUD affairs: report

Emails show the deep involvement of members of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Ben Carson’s family in the department’s official affairs, according to a report from CNN. 

The family reportedly became involved with the department’s business despite warning’s from HUD attorneys. 

The lawyers told Carson last year that his son Benjamin Carson Jr.’s involvement in the secretary’s “listening tour” could give the appearance of nepotism and could be considered a violation of federal ethics rules. 

Carson said he has asked HUD’s inspector general to probe the matter. 

{mosads}”My goal in Baltimore was to listen and help the people of Baltimore have access to safe affordable housing,” he said in a statement to CNN. 

“In my role as HUD Secretary, I try to be as inclusive as possible and talk with a wide variety of people because when it comes to increasing access to affordable housing, no rock should remain unturned. From my very first day at HUD I have insisted that HUD operate in an open and ethical manner, in every way. To clear up any suspicion I am calling for the HUD Inspector General to review this matter,” he continued. 

The Washington Post reported on Wednesday that Linda Cruciani, HUD’s deputy general counsel for operations, and other department officials were reportedly uneasy that Carson’s son and daughter-in-law were involved with the Baltimore “listening tour” event. 

Carson denied any conflict of interest. He said in a statement to the newspaper that his family has “never influenced any decision at HUD.”

The Hill has reached out to HUD for comment.