
Schumer warns Trump to stop threatening DOJ: ‘Do not go down this road’

Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) cautioned President Trump on Wednesday not to “go down this road” of trying to use his presidential powers to interfere with the Justice Department or the special counsel probe into Russia’s election meddling.

Schumer said Wednesday that the authority given to the executive branch would not allow Trump to fire Robert Mueller or Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

Schumer retweeted Trump complaining about the “rigged system” regarding Mueller’s investigation into Russia on Wednesday and threatened to “get involved.”

Schumer has previously warned that Trump would face “severe consequences” if he tries to shut down the probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election. 

The top Senate Democrat has been pushing Senate GOP leaders to bring legislation to the floor that would protect Mueller from being fired.

House conservatives are drafting articles of impeachment against Rosenstein, including allegations that he refused to comply with congressional subpoenas.