
Ivanka Trump made millions in 2017 off personal brand, Trump Hotel

Ivanka Trump made close to $10 million in profit from her personal brand and roles in other Trump family entities in 2017, part of more than $80 million overall in outside income between her and her husband, fellow White House aide Jared Kushner.

The president’s eldest daughter made $3.9 million from her stake in the Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C. She made roughly $2 million in pay and severance from the Trump Payroll Corp., according to financial disclosure forms obtained Monday by The Hill.

In addition, she reported more than $5 million in income from businesses related to her personal brand. The form does not require her to specify the amount over $5 million.


Trump also received an advance of $289,000 for her book “Women Who Work,” but she donated the money to a charitable organization. The disclosure did not show that she received profits from book sales in 2017.

Meanwhile, Kushner reported millions of dollars in real estate holdings and investments in 2017. The couple brought in more than $80 million in 2017, according to the disclosure forms.

Kushner reported “over $5 million” in income from multiple real estate holdings in New York City, as well as Quail Ridge, a New Jersey apartment complex owned by Kushner Companies.

He also reported receiving $1.5 million in dividends from Westminster Management. The real estate firm is owned by his family’s company and has properties in New York, Maryland, Ohio, Pennsylvania and New Jersey.

Kushner also collected millions of dollars in rent or royalties from properties owned by his family.

Neither Trump nor Kushner receives a salary for their roles as advisers to the president.

Federal employees are required to submit the disclosure forms each year in May detailing sources of income and other financial information. The documents do not paint the full picture of an individual’s outside income totals, as employees are not required to enter an exact dollar amount for each source.

The Trump family, including Kushner and Ivanka Trump, has come under scrutiny for potential conflicts of interest since President Trump was elected. Critics and watchdogs have argued the family is using the presidency to enrich itself.

The president declined to fully divest from his family business before taking office, instead putting his assets in a trust managed by his adult sons, Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump.

Three different lawsuits have been brought accusing the president of violating the emoluments clause of the Constitution, which prevents elected officials from receiving gifts or benefits from foreign governments without Congress’s approval.

One case was dismissed in December.

The other two cases — one brought by Maryland and Washington, D.C., and another brought by Democratic lawmakers — are proceeding through the court system. The Trump administration is seeking to dismiss both claims.

Some officials have also expressed concerns that foreign governments could use Kushner’s business interests to influence him. Kushner’s White House portfolio includes brokering a Middle East peace agreement, prison reform and relations with Mexico.

— Updated at 8:19 p.m.