
Trump’s newest Russia adviser, Andrew Peek, leaves post: report

Andrew Peek, the head of European and Russian affairs at the National Security Council (NSC), has left his post three months after he started, people familiar with the situation told Bloomberg on Saturday evening.

Sources told the publication that Peek was escorted from the White House on Friday.

Earlier on Saturday, Axios reported that Peek had been placed on administrative leave pending a security-related investigation.

Peek joined the NSC in November, coming over from the State Department, where he was a deputy assistant secretary.

An NSC spokesman told The Hill, “We do not discuss personnel matters.”

Peek also declined requests for comment from Bloomberg and Axios.

Peek was reportedly expected to accompany President Trump to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, next week.

Peek’s two predecessors, Tim Morrison and Fiona Hill, both testified during the House’s impeachment proceedings against President Trump.

Peek’s departure marks the third time in less than a year that the position has been vacant.