
Melania Trump thanks students in video message during CNN town hall

First lady Melania Trump in a video message Thursday evening recognized the changes America’s students have had to make in their lives during the coronavirus pandemic and commended them for their “determination.” 

The first lady delivered the roughly two-minute pre-taped message directly to the nation’s younger generation during the end of a CNN town hall focused on the coronavirus Thursday evening. Trump thanked them for making sacrifices to help the country “stay safe and healthy in these unusual times.”

“Over the past two months I know you have had to make many changes in your life. Many of you have had to attend classes in your homes and haven’t been able to see your friends. Many of you were looking forward to your prom, spring sports and graduation,” the first lady said.

“These changes were not easy but you have been so strong and I am proud of the examples you have become,” she continued. “Your determination to get through this will define your generation for years to come.”



Trump urged young Americans to take care of themselves in the coming weeks as the country continues to grapple with the outbreak by practicing sports, keeping touch with friends and helping out around the house.

“We will only get through this with patience, compassion and care,” the first lady said. “Tonight, please know that the president and I are with you during these challenging times and we continue to do everything we can to support you.”

The first lady, who has maintained a relatively low profile during her time in the White House, has increasingly played a role in the Trump administration’s messaging on the coronavirus. 

Melania Trump has appeared in public service announcements raising awareness about the virus, including one highlighting the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s recommendation that people wear face coverings to prevent the asymptomatic spread of COVID-19.

The first lady also participated in a phone call between President Trump and the nations’ governors on Monday and on Wednesday joined a call between federal officials and state, local and tribal officials. 

Her message Thursday comes as all 50 states embark on plans to begin reopening their economies, though schools across the country remain shuttered.

It remains uncertain whether and how schools will reconvene in the fall.