
27 percent of Americans in new poll see Trump as man of faith

Slightly more than one-quarter of all Americans questioned in a new poll said they see President Trump as a man of faith.

The Politico-Morning Consult poll released Wednesday morning found that 27 percent of respondents somewhat or strongly agree that Trump is religious, compared to 55 percent who somewhat or strongly disagree. 

Slightly more than a third of self-identified Christians see Trump as religious, pollsters noted, while half say he is not.

Forty percent of evangelicals also agreed that Trump was a man of faith, while 33 percent disagreed.

A total of 23 percent of Catholics and 18 percent of independents supported the statement that Trump is religious. 

Only majorities of ideological conservatives — 55 percent — and Republicans — 60 percent — said they see the president as religious. 

The poll was taken after the president visited two religious destinations in Washington, D.C., last week, a Catholic shrine and St. John’s Episcopal Church. At St. John’s, he posed for photos with a Bible after protesters were forcibly removed from Lafayette Square in front of the White House. 

“Even after nearly 3 in 4 voters saw coverage of President Trump’s photo op at St. John’s Episcopal Church last week, only about 1 in 4 believe he’s religious,” Morning Consult Vice President Tyler Sinclair said, according to Politico.

The Politico-Morning Consult poll surveyed 1992 registered voters between June 6 and 7. The margin of error amounted to 2 percentage points. 

The president’s poll numbers have fallen in recent months as he has faced condemnation for his handling of the coronavirus pandemic and the protests sparked by the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis late last month.

The Public Religion Research Institute found in data released last week that Trump saw a 12-point drop in favorability among white Catholics and a 15-point decrease among white evangelical voters since March.