
Potential Trump Supreme Court nominee volunteered for Biden’s 1987 campaign

One of the top candidates on President Trump’s list of potential Supreme Court nominees volunteered for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s 1987 presidential bid, CNN reported

Trump on Monday told Fox News that he was considering five candidates for the vacancy on the court following the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg last week. Trump noted a potential nominee “from Michigan,” referring to Judge Joan Larsen, an administration official confirmed to CNN.

The president appointed Larsen to the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in 2017.

Larson disclosed at the time that she “did some low-level volunteer work” like stuffing envelopes and making phone calls for Biden’s campaign in Iowa at the time, CNN noted. Biden would later lose the Democratic presidential nomination to then-Massachusetts Gov. Michael Dukakis. 

The judge is a member of the Federalist Society and Heritage Foundation. She also served in the Department of Justice in President George W. Bush’s administration, in addition to serving as a clerk for Justice Antonin Scalia.

She was also a Michigan Supreme Court judge.

Larson was vetted for the highest court when she was considered in 2018 by the Trump administration for the seat currently filled by Justice Brett Kavanaugh.