
Former GOP congressman calls for Biden to receive presidential briefings

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Former Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) called for the Trump administration to give President-elect Joe Biden the presidential daily briefings as the White House continues to stonewall the former vice president while contesting the results of Tuesday’s election.

“Our adversaries aren’t waiting for the transition to take place. @JoeBiden should receive the President’s Daily Brief (PDB) starting today,” Rogers, former chair of the House Intelligence Committee, tweeted Tuesday. “He needs to know what the latest threats are & begin to plan accordingly. This isn’t about politics; this is about national security.”

Rogers’s tweet comes as the White House and most prominent Congressional Republicans have refused to acknowledge Biden as president-elect. The General Services Administration has not signed off on transition funds and resources for Biden’s transition team, and on Tuesday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo suggested to reporters that the administration would “transition to a second Trump administration.”

A handful of Republican senators have acknowledged the Biden victory, including Sens. Mitt Romney (Utah), Ben Sasse (Neb.) and Lisa Murkowski (Alaska).

Several former Republican members of Congress also signed a statement this week calling on President Trump to accept the results of the election, including former Reps. Tom Coleman (Mo.), Susan Molinari (N.Y.), Jim Greenwood (Pa.), Jim Kolbe (Ariz.), Chris Shays (Conn.), Mickey Edwards (Okla.), Dick Zimmer (N.J.), Jim Walsh (N.Y.), Ray LaHood (Ill.), Peter Smith (Vt.), Steve Bartlett (Texas), Charlie Dent (Pa.), Scott Klug (Wis.), John LeBoutillier (N.Y.), Doug Bereuter (Neb.), Deborah Pryce (Ohio), Charles Djou (Hawaii), Bob Inglis (S.C.), Alan Steelman (Texas), Steve Kuykendall (Calif.), Connie Morella (Md.), Wayne Gilchrest (Md.), Bob Bauman (Md.), Mike Parker (Miss.), Tim Petri (Wis.), Barbara Comstock (Va.), Carlos Curbelo (Fla.), Jack Quinn (N.Y.) and Jim Leach (Iowa).

Tags 2020 election Barbara Comstock Ben Sasse Carlos Curbelo Charlie Dent Donald Trump Joe Biden Lisa Murkowski Mike Pompeo Mike Rogers Mitt Romney

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