Campaign Polls

Poll shows Biden with 10-point lead over Trump

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden leads President Trump by 10 points in an ABC News-Washington Post poll released Sunday.

Biden leads Trump 54 percent to 44 percent in a head-to-head match-up, but his lead drops to 49 percent to 43 percent when the Libertarian and Green Party candidates are included.

The survey found the president’s overall approval at a relatively steady 44 percent. A majority of voters, 52 percent, continue to approve of Trump’s handling of the economy. Forty percent approve of his handling of the coronavirus pandemic versus 58 percent who disapprove. Biden leads on who voters trust to handle the pandemic. However, his wider lead over the summer has contracted, from 54 percent to 34 percent in mid-July to 51 percent to 40 percent in September.

More supporters of Trump say they are strongly enthusiastic about their candidate than supporters of Biden by 20 points. However, 59 percent of non-Trump supporters say Trump’s reelection would be a crisis for the country versus 50 percent of non-Biden supporters who said a Biden victory would be a crisis.

The poll also found little room for movement among those who do not currently support Biden or Trump. Six percent of likely voters who do not back Trump now say they would consider voting for him versus 5 percent of non-Biden supporters who said the same about him.

On the subject of how they plan to vote, 50 percent plan to vote early or absentee versus 46 percent who anticipate voting in person on Election Day. Trump leads 58 percent to 39 percent in the latter group, while Biden leads 67 percent to 31 percent among the former.

Pollsters surveyed 1,008 adults from Sept. 21 to Sept. 24, including 889 registered voters and 739 likely voters. The poll has a 3.5 percentage point margin of error.