
Hillary racks up endorsements for 2016

Hillary Clinton has already secured endorsements from over 200 Democratic lawmakers in her 2016 presidential run, according to a survey by The Hill.

One-hundred sixty-seven House Democrats, as well as 41 of the Senate’s 46 Democrats or independents, are in the former secretary of State’s camp.

{mosads}Clinton formally announced her 2016 bid in a video released Sunday, but the longtime Democratic front-runner has been building up her support for years.

Many of the lawmakers surveyed by The Hill began backing Clinton well before her campaign kickoff, helping the pro-Clinton group Ready for Hillary.

Her tally already far surpasses the 99 endorsements she picked up during her failed 2008 presidential bid.

The Hill will keep continually update this list. Please send updates to

This story was last updated on June 7 at 10:40 a.m.


House (167)

Rep. Alma Adams (N.C.)

Rep. Pete Aguilar (Calif.)

Rep. Brad Ashford (Neb.) 

Rep. Karen Bass (Calif.) — Bass tweeted: “Proud to endorse #HillaryClintonforPresident. #HillaryRunFor our children, women’s rights and working families. Join me in supporting her!”

Rep. Joyce Beatty (Ohio) — “Rep. Beatty endorsed Clinton in November 2014. She remains a strong supporter of Ms. Clinton’s campaign for the Presidency,” said a spokesperson.

Rep. Xavier Becerra (Calif.) — “No leader comes better tested in the halls of Congress and in the foreign capitals of today’s international hotspots than Secretary Clinton,” Becerra, the chairman of the House Democratic Caucus, said in a statement.

Rep. Ami Bera (Calif.) — Bera attended a ready for Hillary fundraiser.

Rep. Don Beyer (Va.)

Rep. Earl Blumenauer (Ore.)

Rep. Suzanne Bonamici (Ore.)

Rep. Brendan Boyle (Pa.)

Rep. Robert Brady (Pa.)

Rep. Corrine Brown (Fla.)

Rep. Julia Brownley (Calif.)

Rep. Cheri Bustos (Ill.)

Rep. G.K. Butterfield (N.C.)

Rep. Lois Capps (Calif.)

Rep. Michael Capuano (Mass.)

Rep. Tony Cardenas (Calif.)

Rep. John Carney (Del.)

Rep. André Carson (Ind.) 

Rep. Matt Cartwright (Pa.)

Rep. Kathy Castor (Fla.)

Rep. Joaquín Castro (Texas) — “Hillary is the best person to be our 45th president,” Castro wrote in an email to Clinton supporters in September 2014.

Rep. Judy Chu (Calif.) — Chu attended a Ready for Hillary fundraiser.

Rep. David Cicilline (R.I.) — Cicilline tweeted his support for Clinton following her announcement, saying he “can’t wait” to elect her.

Rep. Katherine Clark (Mass.)

Rep. Yvette Clarke (N.Y.)

Rep. Lacy Clay (Mo.) — “I look forward to helping Hillary make history in 2016,” Clay said in his endorsement.

Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (Mo.) — “I am extremely decided that Secretary Clinton will make a great President,” Cleaver said in a statement to The Hill.

Rep. Steve Cohen (Tenn.)

Rep. Gerry Connolly (Va.)

Rep. John Conyers (Mich.)

Rep. Jim Cooper (Tenn.)

Rep. Jim Costa (D-Calif.)

Rep. Joe Courtney (Conn.)

Rep. Joseph Crowley (N.Y.)

Rep. Henry Cuellar (Texas) —  “Our party and our country need Hillary,” Cuellar said in a statement to The Hill. “I look forward to campaigning for her again and helping elect the first woman President in history.”

Rep. Elijah Cummings (Md.) 

Rep. Danny Davis (Ill.) — “I would jump off the Willis Tower, which is the tallest building in Chicago, to support Hillary Clinton,” Davis told The Hill in 2014.

Rep. Susan Davis (Calif.)

Rep. Diana DeGette (Colo.)

Rep. John Delaney (Md.) — “Hillary Clinton has been – and always will be – a champion for everyday Americans, which is why I’m proud to support her for President,” said Delaney in a statement.

Rep. Rosa DeLauro (Conn.) — “America needs a President who understands the economic challenges facing working families across the nation. Hillary Clinton is the exact right person to tackle these critical matters,” DeLauro said in a statement.

Rep. Suzan DelBene (Wash.)

Rep. Mark DeSaulnier (Calif.)

Rep. Ted Deutch (Fla.)

Rep. Debbie Dingell (Mich.) — Dingell posted on her Facebook page that she “is in” following Clinton’s announcement.

Rep. Lloyd Doggett (Texas)

Rep. Mike Doyle (Pa.)

Rep. Tammy Duckworth (Ill.)

Rep. Donna Edwards (Md.)

Rep. Eliot Engel (N.Y.)

Rep. Anna Eshoo (Calif.)

Rep. Elizabeth Esty (Conn.) — Esty announced her endorsement in a tweet, saying that Clinton “will work to improve the lives of all Americans.”

Rep. Sam Farr (Calif.)

Rep. Chaka Fattah (Pa.)

Rep. Bill Foster (Ill.) — “Congressman Foster endorsed her about a year ago and is still supporting her,” a representative said on Monday.

Rep. Lois Frankel (Fla.) — Frankel told the Palm Beach Post that Clinton is “the most ready” to be president after her announcement.

Rep. Marcia Fudge (Ohio) — Fudge called Clinton “the fighter that everyday Americans need.”

Rep. Ruben Gallego (Ariz.)

Rep. John Garamendi (Calif.)

Rep. Gwen Graham (Fla.)

Rep. Alan Grayson (Fla.)

Rep. Al Green (Texas)

Rep. Gene Green (Texas) — “’I supported then Sen. Clinton for President in 2008 and intend to support and campaign for her again,” Green told The Hill in a statement Tuesday.

Rep. Michelle Lujan Grisham (N.M.)

Rep. Luis Gutiérrez (Ill.) — “I will be happy to back Hillary Clinton. I think she has an astonishing background and a readiness,” Gutiérrez said in August 2014. “If she’s ready, I’m ready for Hillary.”

Rep. Janice Hahn (Calif.) — “Hillary’s running – and I’m ready to support her! Everyday Americans need a champion, and Hillary’s ready to be that champion,” Hahn announced in a Facebook post following Clinton’s announcement this weekend.

Rep. Alcee Hastings (Fla.)

Rep. Denny Heck (Wash.)

Rep. Brian Higgins (N.Y.)

Rep. Jim Himes (Conn.)

Rep. Rubén Hinojosa (Texas)

Rep. Mike Honda (Calif.)

Rep. Steny Hoyer (Md.) — Hoyer told The Hill in 2014 that Clinton would make an “excellent president.”

Rep. Jared Huffman (Calif.)

Rep. Steve Israel (N.Y.) — Israel has “long been a strong supporter of hers since they worked together when she was a senator from New York,” said a spokesperson.

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (Texas)

Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.)

Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (Texas) — “The Congresswoman proudly supports Hillary 2016,” said a representative.

Rep. Hank Johnson (Ga.)

Rep. Bill Keating (Mass.)

Rep. Robin Kelly (Ill.)

Rep. Joe Kennedy III (Mass.) — Kennedy tweeted his support.

Rep. Dan Kildee (Mich.) — “Congressman Dan Kildee wholeheartedly supports and endorses Hillary Clinton for President,” said spokesman Mitchell Rivard in a statement.

Rep. Derek Kilmer (Wash.) — “I’m proud to endorse Hillary Clinton for President. She is ready to fight to make our economy work for every American,” Kilmer wrote on his Facebook page following Clinton’s announcement.

Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick (Ariz.)

Rep. Jim Langevin (R.I.)

Rep. Rick Larsen (Wash.) —  “I endorse Hillary Clinton for President of the United States of America because she shares my belief that our country needs an economy that includes everyone and works for everyone. She has my full support,” he wrote in a Facebook post.

Rep. John B. Larson (Conn.) — “She is clearly worthy of the nation’s support and mine—and she got it the old-fashioned way. She earned it,” Larson said in a statement.

Rep. Brenda Lawrence (Mich.)

Rep. Sandy Levin (Mich.)

Rep. John Lewis (Ga.)

Rep. Ted Lieu (Calif.) 

Rep. Dave Loebsack (Iowa)

Rep. Zoe Lofgren (Calif.)

Rep. Nita Lowey (N.Y.) — “It has been my great honor to call Hillary Clinton my friend and constituent, Senator, and Secretary of State. I will work hard to ensure that in two years, we call her ‘Madam President,’ ” she wrote on Facebook.

Rep. Ben Ray Luján (N.M) — Luján is DCCC chairman.

Rep. Stephen Lynch (Mass.)

Rep. Carolyn Maloney (N.Y.)

Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney (N.Y.) — Released a statement following Clinton’s announcement pledging his support.

Rep. Doris Matsui (Calif.) — “I look forward to doing whatever it takes to make Hillary Clinton the next President of the United States,” Matsui posted on her campaign’s Facebook page.

Rep. Jim McDermott (Wash.) — McDermott called Clinton “the best prepared candidate we’ve ever had.”

Rep. James McGovern (Mass.)

Rep. Jerry McNerney (Calif.)

Rep. Gregory Meeks (N.Y.)

Rep. Grace Meng (N.Y.)

Rep. Gwen Moore (Wis.) 

Rep. Seth Moulton (Mass.)

Rep. Patrick Murphy (Fla.) — Murphy endorsed Clinton in a February op-ed in the Orlando Sentinel.

Rep. Jerrold Nadler (N.Y.)

Rep. Grace Napolitano (Calif.)

Rep. Richard Neal (Mass.) — “Senator Warren has said explicitly that she’s not a candidate. And people would be surprised if I were not on board with Hilary Clinton. I’m real friendly with them; I talk to the former president regularly and talk with her, too,” Neal told The Berkshire Edge in August 2014.

Rep. Frank Pallone (N.J.)

Rep. Bill Pascrell (N.J.)

Rep. Donald Payne, Jr. (N.J.)

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (Calif.)

Rep. Ed Perlmutter (Colo.)

Rep. Scott Peters (Calif.)

Rep. Chellie Pingree (Maine)

Rep. Jared Polis (Colo.)

Rep. David Price (N.C.)

Rep. Mike Quigley (Ill.)

Rep. Charles Rangel (N.Y.) — “I’m ready for Hillary,’ Rangel told HuffPost Live in November 2014. “But, you know, I don’t like coronations. I don’t see where anyone is gonna challenge her, on the Republican side or the Democratic side.”

Rep. Kathleen Rice (N.Y.) — “Congresswoman Rice has always been a big supporter of Secretary Clinton and thinks she would be an excellent president. If Secretary Clinton does run, the Congresswoman will continue to support her in any way she can,” a representative told The Hill earlier this year.

Rep. Cedric Richmond (La.) — Pledged his support to Ready for Hillary in January 2014.

Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard (Calif.)

Rep. Raul Ruiz (Calif.)

Rep. Dutch Ruppersburger (Md.)

Rep. Bobby Rush (Ill.)

Rep. Tim Ryan (Ohio) — Offered support to Ready for Hillary in November 2013.

Rep. Linda Sanchez (Calif.)

Rep. Loretta Sanchez (Calif.)

Rep. John Sarbanes (Md.)

Rep. Jan Schakowsky (Ill.) — Attended a Ready for Hillary Chicago event in June 2014 and posted Clinton’s announcement video to her Facebook page.

Rep. Kurt Schrader (Ore.)

Rep. Adam Schiff (Calif.) — “Rep. Schiff is supporting and is endorsing Hillary Clinton for the nomination,” a representative told The Hill.

Rep. Bobby Scott (Va.) 

Rep. David Scott (Ga.)

Rep. José Serrano (N.Y.)

Rep. Terri Sewell (Ala.)

Rep. Brad Sherman (Calif.)

Rep. Albio Sires (N.J.)

Rep. Louise Slaughter (N.Y.)

Rep. Adam Smith (Wash.) — Attended a Ready for Hillary event in June 2014.

Rep. Jackie Speier (Calif.)

Rep. Eric Swalwell (Calif.)

Rep. Mark Takai (Hawaii) — Attended a Ready for Hillary event in March 2015.

Rep. Mark Takano (Calif.) — Takano attended a Ready for Hillary fundraiser.

Rep. Bennie Thompson (Miss.)

Rep. Mike Thompson (Calif.) 

Rep. Dina Titus (Nev.) — “I have looked forward to this day for years, to stand up once again and proudly announce my support for Hillary Clinton as our next president,” Titus wrote on Facebook. “Her time is now and we are ready!”

Rep. Paul Tonko (N.Y.)

Rep. Norma Torres (Calif.)

Rep. Niki Tsongas (Mass.) — Tsongas tweeted her support for Clinton.

Rep. Chris Van Hollen (Md.)

Rep. Juan Vargas (Calif.)

Rep. Marc Veasey (Texas) — Hosted Ready for Hillary events in Texas.

Rep. Filemon Vela (Texas)

Rep. Nydia Velázquez (N.Y.) — Velazquez attended a Ready for Hillary event on April 11th.

Rep. Tim Walz (Minn.)

Rep. Maxine Waters (Calif.)

Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman (N.J.)

Rep. Frederica Wilson (Fla.) 

Rep. John Yarmuth (Ky.)



Sen. Tammy Baldwin (Wis.) — Signed letter in 2013 encouraging her to run.

Sen. Michael Bennet (Colo.)

Sen. Richard Blumenthal (Conn.) — Endorsed Clinton in May 2014.

Sen. Cory Booker (N.J.) — “There are few candidates in history who are as qualified or ready for the job of president as Hillary Clinton,” Booker said in a statement to NBC News.

Sen. Barbara Boxer (Calif.) — Signed letter in 2013 encouraging her to run.

Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) — “From opposing unfair trade deals to fighting for a fair financial system, Hillary Clinton has shown she puts working families first,” said the top Dem on the Senate Banking committee in a statement.

Sen. Ben Cardin (Md.)

Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.) — Carper withheld his endorsement for Clinton until after Vice President Biden declined to run. “Now that Joe has decided not to run, I am prepared to give Hillary my full and enthusiastic support,” Carper said in a statement.

Sen. Maria Cantwell (Wash.) — signed letter in 2013 encouraging her to run.

Sen. Bob Casey (Pa.)

Sen. Chris Coons (Del.) — Coons was a prominent supporter of Vice President Biden before he decided against running.

Sen. Joe Donnelly (Ind.)

Sen. Dick Durbin (Ill.) — Helped Ready for Hillary raise funds.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (Calif.) — Endorsed Clinton in a 2013 op-ed.

Sen. Al Franken (Minn.) — Endorsed Clinton in December 2014, saying she would make a “great president.”

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (N.Y.) — “I am thrilled Hillary Clinton is running and will do everything I can to help make sure she makes history as our first woman president,” Gillibrand said in a statement.

Sen. Martin Heinrich (N.M.) — Helped raise funds at a Ready for Hillary event in July 2014.

Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (N.D.) — Heitkamp signed a letter urging Clinton to run and said in 2014 she would make an “excellent” president. 

Sen. Mazie Hirono (Hawaii) — Signed a letter in 2013 encouraging her to run.

Sen. Tim Kaine (Va.) — An early backer, Kaine endorsed her in 2014.

Sen. Amy Klobuchar (Minn.) — Endorsed Clinton in July 2014.

Sen. Patrick Leahy (Vt.) — “I talked to her about this some time ago and said if she’d like my support, she’s welcome to it,” Leahy said on MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports.” 

Sen. Joe Manchin (W.Va.) — “I think that she’s at the right place in her life to be able to lead,” Manchin told the Charleston Gazette.

Sen. Ed Markey (Mass.)

Sen. Claire McCaskill (Mo.) — McCaskill endorsed Clinton in 2013. There were tensions between McCaskill and the Clinton camp during the 2008 campaign.

Sen. Bob Menendez (N.J.)

Sen. Barbara Mikulski (Md.) — “Whoopee, Hillary is off and running! I’m ready for Hillary. America is ready for Hillary. She is going to break the glass ceiling once and for all,” Mikulski said in a statement after Clinton’s announcement.

Sen. Chris Murphy (Conn.) — I am supporting Hillary Clinton for President because I know that she will the most effective fighter for struggling families in Connecticut,” Murphy said in a statement.

Sen. Patty Murray (Wash.) — Endorsed Clinton in a Facebook post. “I am proud to stand with so many others to support Hillary in her effort to shatter that highest and hardest glass ceiling that has been cracked, but not yet broken,” she wrote.

Sen. Bill Nelson (Fla.) — “I am all in for Hillary and will campaign for her in Florida and anywhere else she wants,” Nelson said in a statement.

Sen. Gary Peters (Mich.) — “I’m standing with @HillaryClinton because she’s the middle class champion that America needs,” Peters tweeted.

Sen. Jack Reed (R.I.)

Sen. Harry Reid (Nev.)

Sen. Brian Schatz (Hawaii) — “I’m enthusiastically endorsing @HillaryClinton for POTUS. She’s the leader we need for today’s challenges. RT if you’re @ReadyForHillary,” Schatz tweeted.

Sen. Charles Schumer (N.Y.) — Said Clinton would make “a great candidate,” endorsing her in 2013.

Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (N.H.) — Said she is “ready for Hillary” in a Facebook post.

Sen. Debbie Stabenow (Mich.) — Endorsed Clinton in an op-ed titled, “Why I’m ready for Hillary Clinton” in May 2014.

Sen. Jon Tester (Mont.)

Sen. Tom Udall (N.M.)

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (Mass.)

Sen. Mark Warner (Va.)

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (R.I.) — Whitehouse sent out a fundraising appeal for Ready for Hillary in November 2014.

Sen. Ron Wyden (Ore.)