
House Democratic campaign arm posts $52.4 million first quarter fundraising

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) on Tuesday announced it raised $52.4 million in the first quarter of the year, shattering its previous fundraising records. 

The committee also reported raising $21.3 million in the month of March alone. The totals marked the DCCC’s largest on-year quarterly and monthly hauls in its history.

Grassroots donors made more than 275,000 contributions in the month of March, totaling close to $8.5 million. 

The DCCC is wrapping up the first quarter with $113.2 million cash on hand. 

“Voters are donating to Democrats in record force because they trust us to keep fighting for American families,” said Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney (D-N.Y.), the chairman of the DCCC. “With President Biden and Speaker Pelosi’s leadership, Democrats head into the midterms with strong financial support and trust from the American people.”

The latest numbers from the Democratic committee are more than $11.5 million more than the $40.9 million the National Republican Congressional Committee raised in the same period

However, Republican outside groups and PACs have led their Democratic counterparts in the money race this cycle. The Congressional Leadership Fund announced last week it raised $37.5 million in the first quarter of the year, while House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) reported raising $31.5 million in the same period. 

On the Democratic side, outside groups House Majority PAC and House Majority Forward raked in more than $16 million during the first quarter. 

Republicans appear to be on track to win back the majority in the House, with a number of polls showing the GOP leading Democrats on the generic ballot and historical trends in the GOP’s favor. Democrats currently hold 221 seats in the House compared to Republicans’ 209 seats.