
Trump endorses Pence’s brother for reelection in Indiana

Former President Trump on Friday endorsed Rep. Greg Pence (R-Ind.), brother of former Vice President Mike Pence, in his reelection bid. 

“Congressman Greg Pence is doing a great job representing the people of Indiana’s 6th Congressional District,” Trump wrote. 

“A former First Lieutenant in the U.S. Marine Corps, Greg continues to proudly serve our Country in the U.S. House of Representatives. Greg is working hard to reverse Joe Biden’s disastrous record of out-of-control Inflation and restore the respect our Country deserves from abroad. He is Strong on the Border, Protects Life, Defends the Second Amendment, and Supports our brave Military and Vets. Greg Pence has my Complete and Total Endorsement!” he added. 

The endorsement comes amid a tenuous relationship between Pence and Trump, as the two men remain split over the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection.

During the Capitol attack, both Mike and Greg Pence were ushered away from a mob by Secret Service as rioters chanted “Hang Mike Pence.” 

However, after the riot was over, the congressman voted to object to the electoral votes in Pennsylvania, one of the multiple states about which Trump peddled false election conspiracy claims.

Despite that vote, Greg Pence has stood by his brother’s decision to refuse to overturn the election results on Jan. 6, which Trump pressured the then-vice president to do. 

Pence has previously said he had no authority to overturn the election results and directly said Trump was wrong for believing he did. 

“I’ll stand by my brother now and forever. I love my brother. I’ll stand by him,” Greg Pence said when asked what he thought of his brother’s comment. 

Trump has not been forgiving of Pence’s decision not to go along with his election conspiracy theories and has publicly chastised him on multiple occasions. 

“Just saw Mike Pence’s statement on the fact that he had no right to do anything with respect to the Electoral Vote Count, other than being an automatic conveyor belt for the Old Crow Mitch McConnell to get Biden elected President as quickly as possible,” Trump previously said. “Well, the Vice President’s position is not an automatic conveyor if obvious signs of voter fraud or irregularities exist.”