
Bloomberg re-registers as Democrat

Former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg re-registered as a Democrat on Wednesday. 

Bloomberg, who has previously said he would consider a run for president in 2020 after the midterm elections, posted an image on Instagram of him filling out a New York state voter registration form. 

“At key points in U.S. history, one of the two parties has served as a bulwark against those who threaten our Constitution,” Bloomberg said. “Two years ago at the Democratic Convention, I warned of those threats.”

“Today, I have re-registered as a Democrat – I had been a member for most of my life – because we need Democrats to provide the checks and balance our nation so badly needs.”

The billionaire Bloomberg has been a Democrat most of his life. But the former mayor switched over to the Republican Party in 2001 before registering as an independent in 2007. 

His move to register as a Democrat comes about a month before the November midterm elections.

Bloomberg donated $20 million earlier this month to the Democrats’ top Senate super PAC. The donation came months after he pledged to spend up to $80 million to help Democratic congressional candidates this year. 

Democrats appear to have a shot at retaking the House this year. A new poll released by CNN on Tuesday showed that the party has a 13-point lead over Republicans on the congressional generic ballot. 

Meanwhile, Republicans appear likely to hold their slight advantage in the Senate. 

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