
Trump super PAC paints Biden as ‘dictator’ after remarks spark controversy

President Biden, left, and former President Trump.

A super PAC supporting former President Trump called President Biden a “dictator” on Wednesday, seeking to turn the tables after Trump said in a town hall that he won’t be a dictator if reelected “except for Day One.”

“While the White House and their puppets in the media project themselves onto President Trump, the truth is that the real dictator is already in the White House,” Make America Great Again Inc. wrote in an email on Wednesday.

“Joe Biden abuses his power to target journalists, politicians, activists, and concerned parents,” the super PAC charged.

Trump in a town hall with Fox News’ Sean Hannity on Tuesday night was asked about media reports from over the weekend that cast a potential second Trump term as a dictatorship.

Hannity asked the GOP frontrunner: “Under no circumstances — you are promising America tonight — you would never abuse power as retribution against anybody?”

“Except for day one,” Trump responded. “I want to close the border and I want to drill, drill, drill.”

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) shared the video of Trump’s remarks with the caption “And there you have it.”

Michael Cohen, Trump’s former lawyer and a vocal critic, posted on X, “I have been saying this for 3+ years now. #Trump will be a dictator on day one and until his death. Be concerned. Democracy depends on it!”

And, pundits on television also pushed back at the response from the former president.

“If any other politician in American history were asked a question, are you going to be a dictator? No. Donald Trump never answered it, he never answered it,” MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” host Joe Scarborough said on Wednesday.

The super PAC email seeking to defend Trump and flip the script amid backlash over his comment was titled “There’s a dictator in the White House.”

It outlined that the FBI raided the home of Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe in November 2021, during the Biden administration, and it claims without evidence that Biden himself “directed his Justice Department to indict his main political opponent” — meaning Trump.

It also said that the FBI under Biden “targeted concerned parents at school board meetings, pro-Life activists, and Catholics” and asserted that Biden wants to censor speech by creating a “disinformation czar” and by colluding with Big Tech companies to monitor online speech.

The super PAC email comes after the Biden campaign blasted out an email to its supporters right after the town hall wrapped with the subject line: “Donald Trump: Day One Dictator.”

Hannity’s questioning comes after The Washington Post, The Atlantic and The New York Times each published stories referencing a “Trump dictatorship” in recent days, arguing a new Trump presidency posed a threat to democracy. Trump allies have pushed back on such warnings.