
Yang says he’d challenge Trump on basketball court: ‘I would school him’

Democratic presidential candidate and tech entrepreneur Andrew Yang said he would challenge President Trump to a game of one-on-one on the basketball court, vowing to “school him.”

In footage tweeted by ABC campaign reporter Zohreen Shah on Wednesday night, a reporter off-camera asked Yang after he shot some hoops which presidential candidate he would challenge to a basketball game if he had to choose.

“Well, he’s not a presidential candidate. It would be Donald Trump,” he said. “Because I would school him.”{mosads}

“Donald Trump, oh my gosh,” Yang went on, pretending how the game between him and the president would go, “He’d just be standing there, like, ‘uh, uh.’ ”

“And I’d be like, score left, score right, score jump shot,” Yang joked. “And he’d be like, I don’t know what he would do, he’d probably gas out at some point.”

“So, it would be Donald Trump,” he said. “I like the other candidates a great deal. We all get along quite well, and we’re all unified in beating Donald Trump in 2020.”

Last month, Yang captured headlines after he said during a trip to Iowa that he would challenge Trump “to any physical or mental feat under the sun,” adding at the time: “I mean, gosh, what could that guy beat me at, being a slob?”

In footage of the moment carried by ABC News, the presidential candidate could also be seen saying, “Like, what could Donald Trump possibly be better than me at? An eating contest?”

“Like something that involved trying to keep something on the ground and having really large body mass? Like, if there was a hot-air balloon that was rising and you needed to try and keep it on the ground, he would be better than me at that,” Yang continued. “Because he is so fat.”

He went on to say that Trump “might be able to beat me at golf, though I’m told he cheats a lot, so who knows what his true golf ability is.” 

The moment on Wednesday night comes a day after a poll showed Trump trailing Yang in New Hampshire in a theoretical 2020 match-up.